Warehouse Storage Safety – Tips To Keep Your Staff & Products Safer Across Sydney
Storage and Warehousing covers a wide range of activities that can result in
multiple hazards and risks. Essential health and safety management involves you, the employer, looking at the risks that arise in the workplace and then putting sensible health and safety measures in place to control them. By understanding and implement these, you can protect your most valuable asset, your employees, as well as members of the public from harm. You will also help protect your premises, goods, equipment and reputation.
Across Australia thousands of work-related injuries are recorded in the warehousing, storage and road-haulage sectors every year, regular inspection of storage equipment is essential to ensure employees’ safety.
Slipping & Tripping: Warehouse Safety Accessories
Almost a quarter of major injuries (broken bones, injuries requiring
hospitalisation for more than 24 hours etc) in the warehousing industry are caused by workers slipping or tripping.

In the past, a slip or trip accident may not have been viewed as seriously as an accident involving a fork-lift truck. However, it is very clear from the pattern of major injuries that workers who slip or trip are sustaining
serious injuries from the fall or from impact with objects or structures.
Talk to us about your warehouse safety with a safety audit
If you are concerned about safety within your Australian warehouse give us a call on 1800 722 678 or submit an online enquiry here.