Learn more about our storage services

How to reduce or eliminate the workplace health and safety risks in warehouses and storage by correctly operating and maintaining pallet racking.

Storage Design and Consultation

The planning and development stage is one of the most important stages of your warehouse storage facility. Poor planning in this phase can lead to higher construction and maintenance costs and reduced ongoing returns. 

Pallet Racking Maintenance & Repairs

To ensure peak performance of your storage systems, we encourage scheduled maintenance of all dynamic systems and thoroughly encourage 6-monthly inspections of your static systems such as pallet racking and longspan shelving.

Rack Safety Load Capacities (Load Signs)

Safe working load charts not prominently displayed on racking structures can result in serious workplace injuries and delivery of an improvement notice from Health & Safety Act authorities.

Pallet Racking Installation, Relocation and Modification

After years of hands on installation experience, RAAM Storage has some of the highest quality and safety standards for the installation, repairs and relocation of pallet racking and storage solutions in the industry.


At RAAM Storage, we care about your warehouse safety.

Warehouse racking safety audits are all about the protection and safety of your employees, equipment and also your investment.


How to contact us

If you’ve got questions or ideas you would like to share, send a message. For anything more specific, please use our contact details below:

Our Location

We’re based in Moorebank NSW but we service clients Australia wide. 

Direct Line Numbers

1800 722 678

Our Email


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Submit some information to us below and a team member will contact you within 24 business hours.